Master K Classes
 For a Master Class in Kinbaku
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A Fun Way to Practice Rope
“Greetings from Master “K” and Spring Tiger Ryu!

Because of the Coronavirus it’s been quite a while since we’ve been able to invite our many friends back into the dojo. We’ve all been suffering with the pandemic which has made the practice of Kinbaku so difficult for many of us, especially those who aren’t fortunate enough to have a live-in partner. Over the last few months we’ve seen that several BDSM clubs and personalities have begun to do the occasional group activities such as parties and classes but our motto has always been safety first and the last thing we would like is for any of our dear friends to fall ill because of a miscalculation during this very complex time.
We hope to be able to begin in-person classes and lectures again soon (more on this in our next few posts) but in the meantime we’ve been busy doing a lot of online teaching through Zoom for students from all over the world, as well as invited appearances on Second Life and also in the forthcoming new documentary by acclaimed director Amélie Ravalec.

Best wishes,
Master “K”
Recently, I gave several of my “named” students an exercise asking them to do creative Kinbaku ties on inanimate objects. This isn’t as strange as it sounds. Several famed Japanese Kinbakushi from times past (I’m thinking particularly of Akechi Denki Sensei) did this as art projects and received a great deal of acclaim. They’re a great way to keep the eye creative and the hands nimble when one doesn’t have an available partner. They’re also quite a technical challenge.

But that’s not all, …

If you are interested in joining or learning more please go to
Spring Tiger Ryu (
for further information.
I was very pleased and surprised with the results.

In fact, two of my students excelled themselves.

Ms. z-element and Mr. Remy K Thane have created some wonderful images that we would like to share. They are lovely and inventive examples of Kinbaku-bi (the beauty of Kinbaku art), some asymmetrically abstract in nature and in keeping with the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi, some using classical Kinbaku patterns and some which are purely whimsical. Take a look and enjoy!”

Amélie Ravalec--standing before posters from her earlier films.